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Boxed dual air fryers on shelf of local Tesco supermarket in 2023

Are air fryers just a fad

If you've ever cooked with an air fryer you will understand why people make such a fuss of them, then realise they serve a genuine purpose.

Air fryers continue to rise in popularity because those you cook with this appliance, realise how practical it is to cook with. For air fryers to be just a fad, they would of seen a steep decline a long time ago, when in fact air fryers continue to thrive 5-6 years after their conception.

I am not going to try and persuade you to buy an air fryer or explain to you why air fryers aren't just a fad. If you've owned and operated an air fryer, you will know yourself these new kitchen appliances serve a genuine purpose.

Purpose being to quickly and effectively cook fresh or reheat frozen or chilled food items ranging from ready meals usually reserved for the microwave; along with all oven foods suitable for the air fryer.

And that is why air fryers continue to be as popular as they're, they serve to cook food better than they would be in the oven or microwave.

People are choosing to air fry their favourite foods because the quality is far greater, while serving up results unseen in for oven cooking.

No pretending with an air fryer as the trend would of wind down a long time ago.

Because air fryers cook all kinds of foods very well, their popularity continues to climb even 5-6 years after their release onto the market, which I believe was in 2018.

I love my current Cosori air fryer which does have its issues I grant you - but what kitchen appliance doesn't - and despite that I will continue to upgrade to the next air fryer as long as they remain available on the market.

Air fryers continue to be a permanent feature on top of kitchen worktops, and will largely cook food for one to two people at a time, for years to come.

Air fryers going strong

People who use their air fryers on a regular basis, just like me, will defend use of an air fryer until the end of time.

I really see no reason why you would microwave foods which go soggy or those that cook in an oven which can take too long - when an air fryer can do it all much better.

Air fryers continue to be a popular kitchen appliance with their use ever increasing.

You'll notice well known stores continue to make air fryers prominent on the appliance aisle, and will continue to promote air fryers because they're a must-have.

Surge in demand hasn't slowed down since 2018, which is about the time the first range of air fryers were made available on the market. Air fryers even today, feel like a brand new kitchen appliance which offers interested features to experiment with.

Because air fryers are still a new appliance, their technology and hopefully capacity is increasing which will possibly see a demand with larger families - and potentially restaurants who stand to benefit with air fryers.

Popularity increasing

Popularity in air fryers will proof they aren't just a fad which will go away anytime soon.

Like I said air fryers serve a purpose of cooking small meals and snacks in no time at all, and will do it better than a microwave and oven.

More so, certain groups of people have contributed to the popularity of air fryers as an healthier way to cook food. And they are, no oil is needed for air frying which means you can avoid use of deep fat frying all together.

Sure, air frying is really only a one meal - even if that - at a time kind of appliance but the bigger they get, will soon help to prep food for the whole family.

In due course air fryer popularity will level off I feel of which people will believe this is the beginning of their decline, but that is just naysayers wishing for the worst. Air fryers could also see a decline in sales, but their popularity will remains strong.

Air fryers not going away

And so there you have it, air fryers aren't a fad at all because something that is trending usually disappears after a year or two.

When in fact air fryers have now been available globally for nearly 6 years, with their popularity continuing to climb.

You may be confusing air fryers being a gimmick rather than fad which isn't true either. Air fryers are still here and thus, a gimmick they're aren't; air fryers serve a practical purpose - and so they aren't just a current fad.

You won't be wasting your money when buying an air fryer to cook your meals that fit; as you'll gradually find air fryers cook most of your favourites - along with additional items you previously ignored when oven cooked or microwaved only.

In time, manufacturer's will cotton on to what people need in their air fryers - such as capacity and the ability to decanter food a little easier - which will only contribute to help keep air fryers relevant in the future.


Why air fryers aren't just a current fad is because they've been on the market for several years now.

Popularity of air fryers continues to climb which proves they aren't just a fad or gimmick, but actually serve to cook food, much like your oven and microwave.

But air fryers go far and beyond what an oven or microwave can do, which includes air frying your favourite food items faster - to a quality that is crispy in fries and similar food items like pastry.

If air frying didn't do any of the basics, then understandably their popularity would of dwindled a long time ago.

Rather than find out if air fryers are just a current fad and will go away anytime soon, consider splashing out on an affordable air fryer and see for yourself.

Even if air fryers were just a fad and their popularity was slowly declining; it is still a great appliance to cook with, along with exciting cooking and recipe ideas that can't be done as well in an oven or microwave.

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