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Grease, fat splattered on front panel of my Cosori air fryer

Are air fryers messy

In my time utilizing an air fryer on a daily basis I have come to the conclusion, an air fryer can deteriorate much like any appliance that relies on a non-stick coating.

Air fryers can get dirty as they're prone to grease and food residue that likes to fuse onto the non-stick coating of the basket. Meanwhile, you mustn't forget to clean the body of the air fryer as grease finds itself sticking to the front as well. Keep the air fryer clean as often as you can to stop it deteriorating.

I feel with all the experience of cooking for most of my adult life with largely a cooker and microwave, I know for a fact air fryers can get the messiest.

Actually I would compare an air fryer to say a frying pan or deep fat fryer, which will gradually deteriorate as it ages. Effects of daily use with failing to clean up after oneself, will guarantee a build up of baked on grease outside and in.

Air fryers can be extremely messy for those who refuse to clean it after every use, and will always forget to wipe a damp cloth over the body to remove unseen grease; which usually spatters on the front panel when you open and close the basket while cooking.

As days and weeks go on, this grease and fat will slowly build up on the exterior - and more importantly on the basket non-stick coating - which will only become apparent under natural lighting that will bring all the ugly marks to your attention.

Dust settled on top of Cosori air fryer
With grease and fat causing internal issues, don't forget to regularly clean the top of the air fryer; because when dusts settles on a warm air fryer, it will be baked on like grease.

I wouldn't say air fryers are a dirty kitchen appliance that will gradually turn to filth with no return - but its up to you how clean or messy it will get in due course.

As a rule of thumb, I would say air fryers are easy to clean the newer they are, where an older, and therefore well used air fryer, will get extremely hard to clean down the road.

Best way to clean an air fryer is with grease-cutting dish soap in the sink. You must wipe over the interior and exterior of the air fryer body after every use if possible; which will save you putting in the elbow grease, and therefore hard work later on.

Make sure to swill the cloth very well so it isn't too wet as you'd be wiping over the air fryer panel which will have opening into the circuitry.

Basket gets messy

Grease, crumbs spilled in to basket and container
Unfortunately, even with parchment paper laid down, grease can still accidentally spill in to the basket, causing a big greasy mess in the process like it has here.

Where you'll struggle most to keep your air fryer clean is with the basket; air fryer baskets are prone to baked on grease and fat and will appear messy the longer its left to fester.

Baskets aren't at all messy to clean when washed soon after its used and thus its vital you stay on top of upkeep.

To keep the basket clean every time its used while avoid you going through the fuss of getting your hands dirty every time; it would be a good idea to line the basket with versatile parchment paper - which can be cut into shape to fit inside the air fryer basket.

Spots of baked on grease will be visible largely on the internal sides of the non-sticking coating of a basket, and its here where a mess will slowly build up unless you take care of it, as often as you can.

Internal compartments stay cleanish

Poorly maintained internal air fryer basket, filled with crumbs and filth
I admit, I haven't kept up with the maintenance of the air fryer basket drawer up until now, but it shouldn't be too hard to clean when the time comes.

Good news is, you don't have to clean and maintain the air fryer interior, which is the body where the basket is slid in and out of.

Thank goodness though because it can take some work to clean the inside, as the body must be balanced upside down so you can access the underside.

Underside will be the heating element that must be scrubbed clean if you find the air fryer to smoke or smell every time its turned on; where you can guarantee food is baked on somewhere around the heating element, and is smelling every time it heats up.

In the meantime, food crumbs and occasional grease can be found inside the drawer that is accessible when the basket is pulled out. Be sure to give this area a wipe with a damp cloth on the bottom, sides and the rear.

Air fryer body baked in grease

Grease covered front panel of Cosoir air fryer
Opening air fryer basket to shake and flip food will cause grease and fat to splatter on the front panel, which can sometimes only be seen under bright lights.

Baked on grease is a real concern when it comes to air fryers, as there's little you can do to avoid it, and thus can only be resolved once its happened.

Grease will naturally find its self stuck to the inside of the basket of which you can use foil or parchment paper to prevent it. Whereas the sides of the baskets can still be hit with grease which will spit when food is cooking.

You will probably pay little attention to it because you won't think about it, and more importantly won't see grease spots until sometime later.

Do clean your air fryer basket and container as often as you can to clean off the grease with dish soap, that is sure to dissolve the fresh grease stains.

Clean the air fryer with intricacy to ensure all grease spots and food residue is removed; then return to the air fryer after the first wash to now tackle what will appear black spots stuck to the basket non-stick coating.


I would agree air fryers can be a little on the messy side, and no matter how well or often you clean your air fryer, it will probably get worse as time goes on.

Air fryers can have a limited life expectancy and thus I would blame grease and food residue forcing most of us to upgrade to a brand new model.

You'd need to keep on top of cleaning your air fryer as often as you possibly can, even if you take care of your air fryer by lining the basket with foil or parchment paper - all in an effort to stop grease setting on the non-stick coating.

While you'll doing a good job at keeping the air fryer basket clean - and that is difficult in itself - the body of the air fryer will need a wipe over once in a while as grease likes to bake on to the exterior at the same time.

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