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My Cosori air fryer sitting on kitchen countertop, ear protectors leaning on handle

Are all air fryers noisy

Air fryers are a kitchen appliance of which you can expect it to produce some noise, of which it isn't intrusive and really isn't an issue people have to worry about.

All air fryers on the market today will emit some noise due to the fan circulating air in a large void, where food quantity can lower or higher the decibel. Noise levels can also rise due to the air fryer motor. Air fryers are a little quieter than an operating microwave, which is only a gentle noise.

What you should expect from every single air fryer on the market today, is an extremely powerful fan circulating the hot air evenly inside the air fryer.

Noise cannot be avoided but it really won't be loud enough to concern you.

Really an air fryer and microwave will give off the same hum noise at an identical decibel, with air fryers being a little quieter but giving off less steam at the same time.

Bear in mind air fryers are an electrical appliance and thus will utilize a motor which can also produce some noise.

Interestingly, while an air fryer would produce the same noise level on every use, this could be a little louder or quieter, depending on how overloaded with food it is.

Overloading an air fryer basket may produce an heavier sound while it may sound quieter, along with a hollow noise, produced by the fan if less food is added.

Other than the fan blowing air, the motor will potentially emit a gentle noise, and to me that isn't a problem and really shouldn't be to you.

What I don't like about air fryers, new or old digital models, is the constant beeping noise they all produce whenever you press a button to set the time and temperature. Nothing really annoys me other than this ear piercing sound which effects my sensitive ear.

My old Ninja Air Fryer Max was guilty of that and although my latest air fryer is quieter all round, those loud button noises appear to be a permanent feature.

Air fryers emit gentle hum

When an air fryer is working at full capacity, be it on an high or low heat along with a short or long cooking time, the only sound the air fryer makes is a gentle but hollow hum.

Sound produced is from the fan blowing the hot air around the container of which, the basket full of food is located. With the hollow sound, this is due to the air blowing around a void, or empty space inside the air fryer.

With a gentle low noise, this air fryer is operating as it should be. If indeed your air fryer is too noisy, it just could be the design and not a fault.

You will find noisier air fryers are the analog types - as oppose to digital air fryers - which tend to work a little harder.

Air fryers will and should produce noise which is caused by the powerful fan blowing hot air, where additional noise is made due to air being extracted out of the airy fryer.

Similar to microwave noise

What kitchen appliance I can compare the sound an air fryer emits during use can only really be a conventional microwave.

If not, an air fryer is a little quieter and more pleasing to the ear.

Similar to an air fryer, both appliances produce the noise they do due to the fan circulation air internally within an air fryer; whereas a microwave generally utilizes a noisier cooling fan.

Microwaves are a little noisier because of additional sound potentially produced by magnetron and a transformer.

Regardless, both an air fryer and microwave will normally sound better when its new, and gradually get louder as it gets older with more wear and tear.

Don't worry though as its normal for an air fryer and additional kitchen appliances to get louder as they age - it doesn't mean there's a fault or serious problem with it.

No noise, time out

With absolutely all air fryers making noise as soon as you turn it on and press the start button, it would be impossible to find an air fryer that operates with zero noise.

The fan used to circulate the air causes noise with the air its blowing around the internal container, which is impossible to prevent unless it stops.

With that, I can assure you an air fryer making some noise can only benefit you in the long run, as its an indication the appliance its operating as normal. Let's not forget, no noise can only mean the air fryer is turned off, or switched off due to a fault.

I assure you that its a good thing because for most of us, when the noise we've become accustom to over the months and year coming out of our air fryers, we know its cooking our food as it should do.

When the sound turns off we automatically attend to the air fryer because the time we set, has come to an end.

We can now serve ourselves or the family food, or continue to air fry our food a little longer, knowing when there's no noise emitting through the house, the timer has ended again.

Air fryers do and will beep as soon as the timer as ended, but often we can miss that so when there's no noise being emitted, we know the set timers finished.


I can tell you now, the closest item or kitchen appliance I can compare an air fryer too, is a microwave or perhaps a fan assisted conventional oven.

Perhaps a little quieter, an air fryer will emit noise which is caused by the fan circulating hot air, and therefore imitating a deep frying technique, which cannot be avoided.

Noise coming out of your air fryer then is part of the fan circulating the air, sometimes it can be part of the motor in cheaper models - and will also be the air blowing around inside a partially empty container.

We can benefit from the noise emitted from an air fryer mind, as its an indication the air fryer is still cooking, with the some cooking time still left to go. When the noise stops, people attend the air fryer to either serve their food, or continue to air fry a little longer.

I find quieter air fryers come from newer, digital models whereas older, analog air fryers can sound awfully bad, but that isn't to say there's anything wrong with it.

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