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Jacket potato halves sitting on parchment paper in air fryer

Best way to cook Jacket Potatoes in air fryer

Few ways to make essentially baked potatoes in an air fryer, and so the key ingredient is replacing the soft centre with what is essentially mash potatoes in potato skins.

I can think of no better way to cook Jacket Potatoes than in an air fryer for 60-75 minutes, at a high of 400°F / 205°C. Prepare the potato skin by smothering them in olive oil, whilst sprinkling on a little course salt to produce a light and crispy skin. Potato centre will be mashed in butter towards the end.

Certainly we all have our own idea what is the very best way to cook jacket potatoes are, and the results can be very different due to spuds used and overall cooking time.

Difference between mine and probably most other people's idea of how to make great jacket potatoes, is that mine requires the soft centre potato being scooped out, and put back in the jacket potato skin.

That is not before thoroughly mashing the potato into a puree-like texture, with melted butter, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Did I mention adding a little grated Cheddar cheese to the mash really creates a full bodied potato. In addition to melted grated cheese, why not cut up a bacon rasher or two to mix into the buttery mash potato, for a little saltier, meaty taste.

If you didn't know, you can make mash potatoes in the air fryer by first baking potatoes for an hour, and simply scooping out the potato flesh to mash in a saucepan as normal.

Four jacket potato halves with grated cheese sitting on dinner plate
Whilst looking very basic, this is what my favourite way to air fry jacket potatoes looks like, with the cold cheese and buttery mash making for an unreal bite.

Prepare the jacket potato skin by rubbing a little olive oil over them, followed by a little table salt which will now adhere to the oil.

Bear in mind, my favourite way to air fry jacket potatoes relies heavily on those who favour eating the potato skins, so do take care when preparing the potato skins.

Make the mash potato as you normally would in a heated sauce pan, which first requires you to scoop out all soft potato, to return to the potato skins. You can then add cold grated cheese or any of your favourite jacket potato toppings. Best way to make jacket potatoes for me, relies on cold grated Cheddar only.

Meanwhile, line your air fryer basket in parchment paper to catch access oil, and be careful not to roll the spuds every time you open and close the air fryer drawer.

Once the mash potatoes have been scooped back into your potato skins; return them to the air fryer and reheat what will now be warm potatoes, for about 1-2 minutes.

Prepare Jacket Potatoes

Picture directions for preparing two spuds for jacket potatoes

Oiling the potato skin with a little salt produces a little crispier texture but also added flavour to the jacket's.

  • STEP 1: Preheat for 5 Minutes - Get the air fryer nice and hot so we can waste no time air frying these jacket potatoes for an hour
  • STEP 2: Rub on oil/salt to make crispy skin - Rub a tablespoon worth of Olive oil over the potato skin, followed with a sprinkle of course salt
  • STEP 3: Add potatoes to lined air fryer basket - Pop potatoes in a parchment paper-lined air fryer basket
  • STEP 4: Gently close basket - Be careful when closing the air fryer, which could risk rolling the potatoes and oiling up the sides of your basket

NOTE: If you are not fond of crispy potato skins, which is what these instructions call for, simply wrap your jacket potatoes in foil which will air fry to a soft texture.

How to air fry two Jacket Potatoes

Picture directions for air frying two jacket potatoes

Jacket potatoes will need a minimum of one hour to fully cook to a soft enough centre, with an additional 10-15 minutes needed for extra large potatoes.

  • STEP 1: Temp: 400°F / 205°C; Time: 60 MINS. - We got a long way to go with the cooking time, with the temperature set to the very highest
  • STEP 2: Air fry undisturbed for 60 MINS; Add additional 15 MINS. - No need to do any thing for the next hour, just sit back and relax
  • STEP 3: Remove potatoes; Cut in half sideways - When an hours up, slice potatoes sideway; using tongs if you can because the potatoes will be hot
  • STEP 4: Scoop Out soft potato into saucepan of melted butter - Take as much soft potato out of the potato skins and scoop into a waiting saucepan
  • STEP 5: Mash potato until Puree-like texture - Add 2-3 tablespoons of butter with a little grated cheese, and mash potato thoroughly
  • STEP 6: Return Mashed Potatoes to hollowed potato skins - Scoop all mashed potato back into waiting potato skins, air frying it all for 2 additional minutes

NOTE: Warm up your saucepan if you like which will help to melt the butter and keep the mash potatoes hot, although 30 seconds will do on a light heat because any longer, will only impart a burnt flavour into the spuds.


Jacket potatoes in an air fryer would first require heating the spuds in the microwave, which isn't something I like to do, or encourage you do so yourself.

The way I like to air fry jacket potatoes provides plenty of time for the hard centre to soften up enough, so can be quite easily turned into mash potato in a saucepan.

Air fry up to four jacket potatoes for one full hour, with an option to add an additional ten minutes, if the centre is still firm - checking with a butter knife. Set the temperature to a high of 400°F/205°C, and let the potatoes air fry undisturbed for the set time.

Difference between my idea of the very best way to make jacket potatoes versus everyone else's, is that I like to scoop out the soft potato centre when time is up; add it all into a sauce pan; add a little butter with salt and pepper; mash it all thoroughly until smooth and lump-free - and then scoop the buttery mash potato back into their skins.

Bacon bits is optional but recommended, but to complete a really good but basic jacket potato of mine, is to lump a pile of freshly grated mature Cheddar cheese on top.

Prepare the jacket potato skins by rubbing olive oil all over, then sprinkle on a little salt because this recipe calls for you to eat light and crispy jacket potato skins.

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