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My Cosori CP158-AF air fryer basket sat on countertop

Can you buy a new basket for air fryer

I believe all baskets belonging to air fryers will unfortunately damage beyond repair, and will need replacing as the metal rusts and food begins to stick.

Air fryer baskets are a detachable component of air fryers which can be throw away and replaced with an exact copy. Find your air fryer name and product code, found on the rear label, and proceed to search replacement basket online, where you can buy the basket at 20% or less of the air fryer retail value.

I think we've all been there sooner or later with our air fryer baskets, as we notice the quality of the basket internally drastically degrading over time, with the none-stick coating peeling away, along with grease and grime permanently caked onto the metal.

To remedy this we can all basically buy a replacement air fryer basket, which will be an exact copy of our now old basket.

Simply head over to Amazon first thing; login to your account; find your air fryer model; then search for it again on amazon with the words replacement basket. If you didn't buy your air fryer on Amazon, you'll still have to rely on Amazon for a new basket.

Get your air fryer name and product code which is found on a label in the rear of your air fryer

With the information found on the label of my air fryer, I can determine the full product name: Cosori CP158-AF, and therefore I would search for Cosori CP158-AF replacement basket, on Amazon or similar marketplaces.

To avoid buying a replacement basket for a third time, you should now be well aware when it comes to looking after the air fryer basket.

Clean your air fryer as instructed in the booklet that comes with the air fryer, while taking extra care with the basket. Never delay cleaning the basket as grease sits in the base, when it really should be cleaned off as soon as you're done eating. Option can include placing the air fryer basket upside in your dishwasher as an effective cleaning method.

You can't use an air fryer without a basket because as you may know, both basket and container it sits in, will activate the on/off switch - every time the basket is slid out for you to flip and shake the basket of food.

Replacement basket is available

With your new found enthusiasm for cooking in an air fryer literally everyday of the week, obviously it isn't without issues.

Baskets belonging to air fryers receive a lot of wear and tear, with baskets not looked after at all, with damage done often beyond repair.

And here is where you'll need to buy a new basket for your particular air fryer, with no single air fryer and basket model the same, and thus you must seek a specific air fryer basket that will replace your original model.

I have replaced an air fryer basket just the once and I can say it couldn't be easier.

Thankfully the new basket replaced the old basket with ease, and slotted into the container with no issues at all.

Cost approximately 20% of retail value

When you commit to buying an air fryer basket to replace an old one, I believe the estimated cost of the basket to be 20% or under of the total value of your air fryer.

What it will cost you then for an air fryer valued at $100.00 exactly, the basket will indeed cost you $20.00 or under.

Its hard to say if that's good value but its certainly a smart move on your part to splash the cash on a replacement basket - rather than buying a brand new air fryer again.

With the cost estimated to be between $20.00 and $30.00 all round, I would just advice you to now take extra care with your replacement air fryer basket, by cleaning it properly after every use, by using a soft sponge with a household grease cutting dish soap.

Next time you'd want to line the air fryer basket with foil as much as you can to extend its life span further, while using additional parchment paper and silicon dishes you can add food into instead.

Where to buy air fryer basket

Where you originally purchased your air fryer from should be the same retail store or online store where you can buy a replacement air fryer basket.

Unfortunately, that isn't always the case so I would strongly advice you to head over to Amazon, where they sell practically every air fryer basket replacement.

To do that, search for the air fryer name and product code where your need to type 'basket replacement' in the box. You'll find the air fryer name and its code on a label located in the rear of your air fryer - with the barcode always providing an opportunity to search for it in-depth.

Replacement baskets for air fryers are readily available from big online marketplaces, and I am confident air fryers sold within the last four years or so will have stock available.


Good news is, you can buy a new basket for your particular air fryer from big stores like Amazon with ease.

Search on Amazon for the name of your air fryer, including the product code, followed by the words 'replacement basket.' Product name and code can be found on a white label stuck to the back, or possibly underneath, of your air fryer.

Cost of an air fryer basket replacement would be 20% of the air fryers total value.

Which means an air fryer costing you $100.00 will cost you just $20.00 or under, to buy a new basket only.

With air fryers making a name for themselves over the last four years or so, you can be sure retailers supply baskets and replacement parts for each and every air fryer model sold.

Buying a replacement basket in-store would be unlikely, thus you'd have to go online to buy the appropriate basket for your air fryer sold among many hundreds of models.

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