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Can you use air fryer everyday

Caution must always be taken when operating a kitchen appliance, with an air fryer providing you the opportunity to air fry everyday of the week.

You can air fry daily providing its for less than an hour at a time, with a break of up to 30 minutes in between cooking times to avoid the appliance overheating. Air fryers are made to be used daily but with that in mind, manufacturers expect you to use it for no more than an hour every 24 hours.

What you should know about an air fryer is that it is designed and manufactured to be used on a daily basis, for say up to one hour with an hour or so between cooking.

Air fryers can overheat but there's usually a mechanism for them to shutdown for a couple of minutes, but this really isn't going to apply to most standard air fry cooking.

Treat an air fryer like a standard but much older kitchen appliance in conventional ovens or microwaves, while respecting air fryers when it comes to manhandling them; because they are prone to damage due to detachable components.

While removing the basket to shake and toss when cooking chicken nuggets or French fries for example, sliding the basket back into the air fryer can result in damage.

Not usually a problem but when you plan to use your air fryer daily - up to two/three times with more people in the house - then these bumps and bangs begin to show in paint chipping off or scrapes becoming visible on the exterior.

With that, not even the biggest air fryer on the market can cook a meal for three or four people at any one time, and often two people must go one at a time, and thus an air fryer may not be ideal for cooking set meals for the whole family daily.

Example of that is cooking a large or small frozen pizza which will only ever fit in a conventional oven, and so to will large roast beef joints or a whole small chicken or turkey, and that is if a small enough whole turkey is available to you.

Air fryers made to be used daily

I'll be pleased to know, an air fryer is indeed a kitchen appliance that can absolutely be used on a daily basis.

Much like microwaves we use at both home or at our workplace, I am sure an air fryer will become a permanent feature in the kitchen at work and home as people and businesses begin to understand the importance of quick and easy hot food preparation.

No need to wait until then though because you can rest assured your investment in an air fryer will soon be the most convenient way to reheat all kinds of food or indeed to cook food fresh, such as raw meats or vegetables.

And while most air fryer manufacturers will recommend preheating their specific model, it really isn't needed which will save you a little more time come dinner.

Air fryers are safe, can be small and compact, and highly effective at providing you a hot meat in under 20 minutes in most cases.

Other appliances can be avoided

With my love for air fryers continuing to grow with more uses I can find for it when it comes to experimenting with cooking food, I purposely avoid using what is my microwave and oven because they really both feel like a lot of hassle to me now.

To cook a fresh or frozen ready meal I will 99% of the time place the meal (after piercing the film lid of course) in my air fryer for only two-thirds of the recommended oven cooking instructions, which produces a far better meal than the microwave does.

What I get is a faster meal that will cook thoroughly, while maintaining a perfect cooked meal that is rarely achieved in the oven.

Similarly, a microwave dinner certainly can provide more convenience than an air fryer, but if you have time, then an oven optional meal cannot be beat when air fried.

Unfortunately, an air fryer won't be able to cook for probably more than one person at a time, thus this is where relying on your microwave may continue for big families.

Everyday use can only apply to oven only if you're a family of two or three, whereas a large-size air fryer could take care of your everyday cooking needs for one or two of you.

Wear and tear will happen sooner

Because you'll be using your air fryer on a daily basis, even if its for no more than 30 minutes at a time, this will reduce the life expectancy of your air fryer.

I believe microwaves and conventional ovens will outlast an air fryer because there's no removable components unlike an air fryer, which will cause wear and tear on both the basket and the container, of which the container holds the basket.

Result of that is probable damage in the sliding in/out mechanism, a broken switch cover on the button to release the basket out of the container - along with the protective coating being chipped and marked in due course.

Don't let that discourage you in using your air fryer everyday of the week though as an air fryer continues to be a reliable appliance that I believe are an incredible invention. It can feel like a waste of money when replacing a broken air fryer for a new model down the road, where you'll now learn to look after your next air fryer with due care and attention.

With all that said, your air fryer basket will rapidly deteriorate with use due to the protected coating wearing off, and thus food stains and marks are made harder to remove with each wash.

To avoid that I would recommend you clean your air fryer after every use - and that includes everyday - to avoid a build up of often unseen but very stubborn grease.

Remember to thoroughly clean

Go ahead and use your air fryer everyday for both breakfast and dinner if you have to, but don't forget it does come at a price.

Price being, spending at least 4/5 minutes daily cleaning out your air fryer, or to be more precise, to clean your air fryer basket.

Don't underestimate unseen grease or food stains on the bottom of the air fryer basket; after several uses without a thorough clean, these grease and food marks become visible, then get harder to remove.

When your done air frying your next meal, be sure to fill the container with the basket still inserted, and allow to soak with regular grease-cutting dish soap. You'll then focus your attention on wiping the inner basket with a soft cloth - as manufacturer recommend - to avoid scraping off the protected non-stick coating.

Daily use of an air fryer must be matched with a daily clean of the air fryer as to not allow grease to slowly build up which is often not notable to the naked eye early on.

On the plus side, by using an accessible oven proof glass bowl or container, plus lining the air fryer in aluminium foil, you can avoid daily air fryer cleaning and maintenance while throwing out used foil or even parchment paper, while washing additional containers and bowls added to the basket, as normal.


As I am the only one who cooks for myself, I can safely say any size air fryer is all your need for use everyday of the week.

When it comes to two people to cook daily for the matter gets a little more time consuming, as you'd probably need to cook for each of you one at a time, as most air fryer basket designs are restricted to cooking one food group at a time.

Now, with three people or more, even if you're thinking about purchasing a dual basket air fryer, restrictions still apply which is where it gets even harder to cook for multiple people - and certainly those demanding a different meal.

You can only cook so many fries in one basket with chicken wings, nuggets, etc. in the other basket while avoiding overloading the basket which can result in soft, uneven cooking, with the intention to always crisp up air fried food.

With one or two of you in the house then absolutely an air fryer can be used for everyday use, but it gets hard to cook for more people with any air fryer that is restricted by its size, thus you'd be better off relying on your oven to cook for all of you at any one time.

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