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My Cosori air fryer setup in my back garden in front of my shed

Can you use an air fryer outside

Reasons to put your air fryer out in the yard can vary between BBQ's to birthday parties, so if you can guarantee people's safety then an air fryer can be positioned outdoors.

Few conditions apply to safely positioning an air fryer outdoors; among them, avoid people tripping over the wire, which can result in the hot air fryer being pulled off the counter. With that, this is a kitchen appliance which must never be allowed to get wet, while avoiding direct heat of the sun.

Let's be realistic hear for a moment, an air fryer is an electrical kitchen appliance so when in use, it becomes a serious hazard to anyone who touches it.

In a situation where your air fryer is required in an outdoor environment - and it is safe to if you set the conditions - then do so where no one risks injury.

Injuries can relate to unintended burns if people have access to all sides of the air fryer, or indeed minors who don't really know better. You will want to position the air fryer against a fence or wall, in an effort to restrict access points.

Air fryers will get hot in an outdoor environment on a summer's days, but it will be perfectly fine to use an air fryer outdoors if its out of direct sun.

You will want to avoid needing to re-position the air fryer or indeed washing it out once in a while, because the more its moved about, the more issues can arise.

I would suggest you line the air fryer basket with foil in an effort to avoid washing out the air fryer frequently; backed up with parchment paper lining the basket base which will all be thrown away when new food is added.

You'd want to add oven safe glass bowls or oven safe containers you can wash up later, as a replacement for cooking directly on the air fryer basket. Best things to cook outdoors for a family event or party is of course meats, which will result in a messy air fryer unless you take precautions.

Once the meat and favourites are cooked, you can then begin to heat up onion rings and fries which are unlikely to be cooked at the same time as meats, due to the nature of air fryer basket designs.

Free to position air fryer out in yard

Not commonplace but certainly a possibility with an air fryer as this often lightweight, easy to carry appliance can be moved around the kitchen where its needed - or indeed if it has to be put back away in a cupboard after use.

Feel free to carry an air fryer outside in the yard for use with a BBQ, children's birthday party or a family gathering, which is perfectly acceptable if you stay vigilant.

Children's parties in particular can be a serious concern as there will be an extension cord which can be a tripping hazard for children and adults alike.

With that in mind, its better to keep the extension cord/cable directly on the ground while positioning the air fryer in a place in the yard that completely avoid a busy walk route.

Of course its vitally important the outdoor table or counter the air fryer is sat on is strong and stable, with no possible chance of a collapse.

Don't forget though your chosen position must really be in the shade while avoiding direct sunshine and any potential water, which can include splashing from a children's pool, light mist of a neighbors sprinker system, and the weather.

Connect to power station

To safely use an air fryer outdoors I can't emphasis the need to create a safe and secure environment, for you or others who're in charge of operating the air fryer.

If at all possible you'd want to avoid use of an air fryer that will probably be connected to a power extension lead, which will run for several feet on the ground.

Instead, if at all possible you will want to utilize your portable power station if you own one which will avoid the need to use an extension lead. And with a power bank, this can sit safely under the table of which your air fryer is located on top.

Portable power stations will ensure the air fryer can be positioned anywhere outdoors without restrictions to how far a power cord can reach.

Let's not forget, if at all it begins to rain it will be just a little bit quicker and easier to bring the electric air fryer and portable power station indoors. Plan ahead though as the air fryer will be hot in use, so have a large bath towel ready to prevent burns - and do remove the basket first as it will want to fall out when carried.

Great to use in or out of RV

What you might not of considered with an air fryer is how versatile this multiple functional appliance is, to use in the home and out on the road.

If an air fryer can be transported in the back of a four-wheelie or a caravan for a summer vacation, then it can be used outdoors.

People will often set up camp on site then use the air fryer outside of the RV in an effort to avoid condensation and smoke filling up the RV and other motorhomes.

Experienced RV users will know how to safely transport an air fryer but most importantly, will know how to carry the air fryer outside of the motorhome knowing there's a risk of the basket sliding out - which really is the only concern - so carry the air fryer body and basket separately.

I can't think of a better use of an air fryer than packing one up for a motorhome on the next vacation.

It will cook up BBQ food which can also be cooked up in your backyard, as well as re-heating food when you feel hungry later, thus avoiding gas or a diesel powered stove.


With air fryers being an electrical appliance that can cause serious injury to anyone unfamiliar with how hot an air fryer can get on the outside, you must go one step further to be sure this never happens.

You can use an air fryer outside - whether its in the backyard or outside of the motorhome - while being mindful of this likely to burn appliance.

When an air fryer its taken outside to put on a table or wall to cook for a family event or BBQ, it must be out of reach of all people, including the extension cord which could pull down this super hot appliance if anywhere trips on the cable.

In addition, you must allow time for the air fryer to cool enough when you plan to bring it back indoors, which can be a problem if it begins to rain. Air fryers are an electrical device, so it mustn't come into contact with rain, or water sprinklers for example.

Of all the kitchen appliances to take outdoors, I think you'll agree an air fryer makes sense more than any other appliance, due to the versatility of this device which can cook up meats, vegetable, fries and anything else required for an outdoor gathering.

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