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Plated Hasselback potato topped with sour cream, bacon, spring onion

Hasselback Potato air fryer recipe

First time I ate a Hasselback potato it was made in an air fryer, now its one of my favorite things to make, and the easiest meal you can do for a family of four.

Make a large Hasselback potato for one by first taking a dry, clean potato and slice it multiple times - between 20-25 times across the top - and then pat dry access moisture escaping the potato. Set the temperature to a high of 400°F/205°C, with the time set to one hour, with an extra 10 minutes optional.

If you've always been a jacket potato kind of person, and not quite familiar with a Hasselback potato, then there's no better time to familiarise yourself with Hasselback potatoes - than with this large Hasselback potato recipe.

Essentially, a Hasselback potato is a regular air fried baked potato which has been sliced multiple times to create the illusion of an accordion - which is what a Hasselback potato is also referred to.

Hasselback potato can be easily cooked in your air fryer within just 1 hour, and not a minute longer. If you don't like crispy/brown skin on your classic jacket potato, then simply wrap the Hasselback potato in foil to produce soft skin potato.

What toppings you put on your Hasselback potato can be your favorite jacket potato toppings, like cheese, beans and possibly tuna mayonnaise.

Air frying Hasselback potatoes is one of my favorite things to do in an air fryer, which also happens to be the easier food item to cook in an air fryer.

I will be air frying one large single Hasselback potato in this recipe, while its possible to add extra potatoes if you have the capacity, but you will have to add an additional 10-15 minutes of cooking time - to account for the reduction in temperature.

9 MIN.
60 MIN.


1 Large 300-350g Baking Potato
3 tbsp. Mayonnaise
3 tbsp. Soured Cream
1 Unsmoked Bacon Rasher
Handful of finely chopped Spring Onions to garnish

INSTRUCTIONS: Soured Cream/Mayo Dressing

Add 3 tbsp. Soured Cream to dish - Spoon 3 big dollops of soured cream to a mixing bowl
Add 3 tbsp. Mayonnaise to same dish - Spoon 3 big dollops of mayonnaise on top of the soured cream; using a clean spoon for both
Season with little Salt and Pepper - Sprinkle on freshly ground salt and pepper
Stir Soured Cream/Mayo mixture thoroughly - Now thoroughly mix the soured cream and mayonnaise together to produce a creamy rich dressing
Cover and refrigerate - Cover your dressing in cling film and place in fridge prior to air frying your Hasselback potato, to allow the ingredients to foment

INSTRUCTIONS: Hasselback Potato

Ensure large baking Potato is clean - If you need to scrub clean your potato, be sure to dry it thoroughly
Slice Potato 2-3mm thick; one end to the other; down to bottom - Slice the potato multiple times, being careful not to slice the potato all the way
Sit Hasselback Potato on cut-to-size parchment paper - Keep your air fryer basket clean by lining it with a little parchment paper
Dial in 400°F/205°C; time to 60 Minutes - Air fry the Hasselback potato on a high heat, while bearing in mind an additional 10 or so minutes may be needed
Poke inner potato to check for firmness - With about 7 minutes to go until time, poke the potato centre with a knife to check if the potato is soft enough to eat
Cook 1 Bacon Rasher for final 7 Minutes alongside Hasselback Potato - If the potato is soft enough, air fry a single slice of bacon placed on piece of foil
Centre Hasselback Potato on dinner plate - Its now time to pull Hasselback potato out of your air fryer, with use of your hands or a kitchen towel
Pour over Soured Cream & Mayonnaise Dressing - Spoon all or some of your homemade soured cream dressing over the top of your hot Hasselback potato
Sprinkle over diced Bacon Rasher - Pull your bacon rasher out of the air fryer and cut into bits with scissors, and sprinkle on top of dressing
Garnish with finely chopping Spring Onion - Finally, sprinkle on a handful of freshly cut spring onion for a much needed crunch

NOTE: You can cut the air frying time by half, by simply hassleback'ing the potato first prior to microwaving the potato to soften the centre quickly, for about 10 minutes


CALORIES: 543 FAT: 20.9g SALT: 1.02g CARBS: 41.5g PROTEIN: 14.6g FIBRE: 7.5g ENERGY: 1,675.4kJ

About the ingredients

On this occasion, I simply used a generic backing potato which are sold loose from my local supermarket.

Potatoes can bake differently in an air fryer but I found this potato to be good enough to produce a quality Hasselback potato. It didn't need cleaning as it was already washed, but it doesn't hurt to scrub it clean to be on the safe side.

Dressing was made from a basic soured cream tube with Hellmann's Mayonnaise used for a 50/50 split between both dressings/sauces.

Bacon is a thicker cut back bacon which was lightly air fried because I didn't want it to dry out. Meanwhile, it took about 5 sprigs of spring onion to produce a handful.

Serving Suggestions

What toppings you add to your jacket potato can of course be added to an air fried Hasselback potato.

In this recipe, I mixed soured cream and mayonnaise 50/50 to produce a thick homemade dressing, which would of been a little to runny for my liking, if I had just used soured cream without cutting it with mayo.

You can serve a Hasselback potato with tuna mayonnaise - along with finely chopping cucumber and onion. And why not make a chicken and mayo dressing, with an option for sweetcorn. In addition, you can add cheese and baked beans; pineapple, ham and cheese - plus a bolognaise with mince/ground beef.

With the topping spooned on top of the Hasselback potato, you can then serve the potato with a bed of freshly prepared salad, which could consist of cherry tomatoes, mixed lettuce leaves and cucumber.

Recipe PROS & CONS

Huge plus when preparing and cooking a Hasselback potato for air frying, because its easy to prepare, and much quicker to cook compared to your oven.

Preparing a Hasselback potato consists of slicing it up to 20 times, which unfortunately can on occasion lead to you cutting it down to far, thus chopping the potato apart; which will depend on how far across you've made the error.

I have found its hard to squeeze slices of cheese in between the cuts to melt the cheese, which I feel if you are too forceful, can lead to breaking the Hasselback potato.

Overall, I don't think you'll have too much trouble with an air fried Hasselback potato, even with the doneness leading to various textures of the potato skin.

In Pictures: How to cook Hasselback Potatoes in air fryer

When your short of air fryer meal recipes, then what better way to make a full and comforting meal than with a baked potato recipe that involves slicing the potato multiple times, thus changing the taste and texture of the potato.

STEP 1: Ensure large baking Potato is clean

Clean baking potato sat on kitchen worktop

You'll need a dry, clean large 300-350g baking potato which shouldn't be damp, but shaped in a way it will remain facing up with NO rolling around inside the air fryer.

STEP 2: Slice Potato 2-3mm thick; one end to the other; down to bottom

Close up look of finely sliced Hasselback potato

You will then proceed to cut 20-25 slices in the potato 3-4 millimetres apart. Be careful not to cut too deep or you'll risk cutting off a chunk of the potato.

STEP 3: Sit Hasselback Potato on cut-to-size parchment paper

Hasselback potato sat on parchment inside air fryer

Keep your air fryer basket clean with use of parchment paper - or foil if that's what you got - but don't use too much lining, as it will risk flipping up into the heating element.

STEP 4: Dial 400°F/205°C on air fryer; time to 60 Minutes

View of temperature and time on air fryer

Set your temperature to 400°F/205°C and not a degree higher. In addition, set the time to 1 hour; of which I found this to be the maximum time on an air fryer at this temperature.

STEP 5: Poke inner potato to check for firmness

Knife impaled into fully cooked Hasselback potato

With about 7 minutes to go until time - with 53 minutes elapsed - be sure to poke a knife through one of the centre position slices, to check to see if the potato is soft enough. If it isn't, continue to air fry your Hasselback potato for an additional 10 minutes.

STEP 6: Cook 1 Bacon Rasher for final 7 Minutes alongside Hasselback Potato

Hasselback potato with bacon rasher positioned in foil inside air fryer

Whether the Hasselback potato is ready or needs extra time, you'll need 7 minutes of the remaining time to air fry a rasher of back bacon, which can sit on a cut-to-size sheet of foil, in an effort to catch bacon fat which would otherwise run over.

STEP 7: Centre Hasselback Potato on dinner plate

Cooked Hasselback potato sat on centre of matte black dinner plate

Now pull out your Hasselback potato with your hands or perhaps a folded over kitchen towel, and place on a heated plate.

STEP 8: Pour over Sour Cream & Mayonnaise Dressing

Hasselback potato positioned on plate with dressing spooned on top

Scoop all of your homemade soured cream and mayonnaise dressing over the top and full length of your Hasselback potato.

STEP 9: Sprinkle over diced Bacon Rasher

Hasselback potato on plate with dressing and bacon bits on top

Remove the still warm rasher of back bacon out of the air fryer; cut the rasher into fine pieces; then sprinkle over the top of the soured cream dressing.

STEP 10: Garnish with finely chopping Spring Onion

Spring onion sprinkled on top of sour cream dressing on Hasselback potato

Finally, add a little colour to your Hasselback potato with finely chopped spring onion, which would require 4-5 full sprigs of spring onion.

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