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Premade air fried cookies position in and out of air fryer basket

How to cook Premade Cookie Dough in air fryer

Cookie dough which came out of the refrigerator can be cut into cubes and cooked in an air fryer, with an option to air fry in batches if space is limited.

Air fry Pre-Made Cookie Dough just how you would when following oven cooking instructions. Copy temperature exactly while reducing the time by 2 minutes - while proceeding to add extra minutes until cookies are golden. Cookies will be soft to remove at first so will need a few minutes to harden.

Don't despair at the thought of cooking refrigerated cookie dough in an air fryer, if it can be done in the oven, it can certainly be done in an air fryer.

You will be limited with space inside your air fryer, which isn't a problem because you can cook the cookie dough in two to three batches.

You can bake cookies in any air fryer with no issues at all, and doing it with store-bought pre-made cookie dough will be a breeze.

Be sure to line your air fryer basket in parchment paper so the cookie dough won't stick as it cooks; which in turn the parchment paper will be useful for pulling out the cooked but soft cookies while remaining sat on the lining to cool.

Cooking instructions are based on a Tesco 'Ready to Bake' Chocolate & Orange Cookie Dough; weighing 300g.

Pile of freshly air fried chocolate and orange cookies piled on baking paper
It will be impossible to cook a full block of cookie dough in a single batch, thus dividing them up into a couple of batches will allow you to use up all the dough.

Typical premade cookie dough packaging instructions will normally suggest cutting up into 8 equal cubes - weighing approximately 37g each - and set 5cm apart.

Cookie dough you wish to air fry other than this one featured, will follow very similar oven cooking instructions, which can be easily changed to air frying.

Focus on reducing the oven time by up to 2 minutes for air fryer while continuing to air fry until times is up; checking for when the cookies are done every minute and thereafter.

Comparably, while this Tesco Cookie Dough asked for 355°F/180°C in the oven with a cooking time of 10-12 minutes; in reality it took 10 minute minutes in the air fryer with the temperature remaining the same.

So you see, I air fried this bake at home cookie dough at the lowest oven cooking time, with little change elsewhere.

Prepare Cookie Dough

Picture instructions for preparing cookie dough for air frying

Getting a typical block of ready to bake at home cookie dough ready for the air fryer isn't all that difficult. Follow the oven instructions exactly while bearing in mind there will be limited space inside your basket - so to remedy that you can air fry in two batches.

  • STEP 1: Take out of refrigerator 15 mins. before air frying - As instructed to on the packaging, remove pack of cookie dough out of fridge for recommend time
  • STEP 2: Preheat air fryer for 5 mins. - Get the air fryer nice and hot so the cookies will air fry in a consistent time
  • STEP 3: Cut Cookie Dough into equal size cubes - Cut cookie dough into cubes with the number of needed as instructed to on your particular packaging
  • STEP 4: Line air fryer basket in cut-to-size parchment paper - Parchment paper is vitally important to use for cookie dough as its the only lining to stop sticking

NOTE: Failure to use parchment paper will almost certainly result in the cookie dough seeping through the basket, along with being impossible to remove due to sticking.

How to air fry Cookie Dough

Picture instructions for air frying premade cookie dough

Simply follow the oven cooking instructions to air fry most cookie dough varieties, while reducing the time by a couple of minutes; then proceed to add extra minutes until cookies are done to your preferred texture.

  • STEP 1: Evenly space Cookie Dough cubes in basket 5cm apart - Cookies will make 6-7cm wide discs so allow plenty of room for the cookies to spread out
  • STEP 2: Set temp: 355°F/180°C; time: 8 mins. Temp and time was copied exactly off the packaging; only I reduced the time by 2 minutes because air fryer cooks is much faster
  • STEP 3: Allow to air fry for 8 mins. undisturbed -  Despite air fryers baking faster, I proceeded to air fry for an additional 2 minutes, as I was looking for a crispier texture
  • STEP 4: Continue to air fry checking every minute until golden brown and soft - Once the time is up, continue to air fry if you must until cookie texture is golden and soft - whilst proceeding to harden as the cookies cool

NOTE: Fully cooked cookies will be extremely soft when done which will feel like they aren't done at all; allow soft cookies to harden over a 4-5 minute period while sat inside your air fryer basket - with an option to slide them out while remaining on lining.

How Cookie Dough cooks in air fryer

Picture show the stages of which cookie dough melts inside the air fryer basket
Beginning with 2 full minutes of air frying time, look how the premade cookie dough cubes melt into almost perfect round cookies.

We aren't baking a cake here so you can open your air fryer basket as many times as it takes to ensure the dough doesn't burn. Premade cookie dough goes through an interesting transformation in a short space of time, which I've pictured.

  • 2 Mins. - In the first couple of minutes the cookie dough will just about be noticeably melting at this stage of air frying
  • 4 Mins. - Melting cookie dough is now beginning to flatten and expand outwards, which should assure you that you're at least doing something right
  • 6 Mins. - Cookie dough is beginning to take shape and looking more like a typical cookie, but there's a little more melting to go
  • 8 Mins. - Same as before only cracks have formed into the fully baked cookies, which is the ruggedness you'd want on a well baked cookie

NOTE: Halfway through baking premade cookie dough will you remember there are chocolate chips, which only became noticeable towards the end of the cooking time.


You can air fry just about any store-bought ready to bake at home cookie dough by following the oven cooking directions exactly.

Which will vary between each cookie dough brand but the instructions are near identical.

Little change would be needed when following the oven cooking instructions, where you'll need to reduce the air frying time by 2 minutes - because air frying is much faster than oven baking.

Set the temperature on your air fryer as it is with the oven - by following the FAN OVEN  temperature; then set the time to the lowest of the approximate time given on the back of the cookie dough packaging.

Play it safe by air frying 2 minutes under the oven cooking time, then proceed to add extra minutes until you feel the cookies have reached your desired colour and texture.

Keep an eye on the cookies in the final extra minutes - which could bring the time up to 10-11 minutes - to be sure each batch of cookies don't burn in the air fryer.

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