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Partially cooked air fried 12 beef meatballs sat in air fryer basket

How to cook Raw Meatballs in air fryer

Whether meatballs are freshly made or frozen, your air fryer is made for this and will cook the meatballs in a way they won't lose their shape like they would in a frying pan.

Quickly cook as many raw meatballs as needed in an air fryer in 14 minutes, turning halfway. Set the temperature to 355°F / 180°C, beginning with a preheat. Cook raw meatballs on lining to catch access fat, but ensure each meatball is evenly spaced, as touching balls can leave raw spots.

Why fry meatballs in a pan or under the broil/grill when they can quickly and evenly be cooked in an air fryer.

I would go as far to say air frying meatballs would go towards retaining the round balls, where its often lost to flat edges when done in the frying pan.

With that, no oil is needed in an air fryer so the meatballs will be as healthy as can be.

Of course you can cook raw meat in an air fryer. Meatballs can be in the form of Beef, Pork and Chicken; air fried in raw form only with an option to air fry mince beef which is mixed in with herbs and spices - and of course meatballs marinated in a sauce.

Pork meatballs can apply to stuffing balls which can be air fried, whereas freshly made meatballs are usually shaped in to balls, before being smashed into hamburger patties.

I cooked 12 meatballs on this occasion but rest assured, if your meatballs weigh about the same as each of mine, which is about 28g; all meatballs can be air fried to precisely as mine, with a little difference in doneness and texture.

Line all meatballs in formation to help you identify which meatballs have and haven't been turned over halfway through air frying, while leaving space in between each ball.

No better time to line your air fryer with parchment paper which will help to hold access fat. Foil is an option but either one should ideally have elevated edges to stop fat spilling over the edges.

Prepare 12 Beef Meatballs

Directions for preparing 12 raw beef meatballs sat on parchment paper

Before you prepare to air fry as many meatballs as needed, do remember to take meatballs out of refrigerator 20 minutes prior to air frying, with the packaging open. In addition, it would be wise to pat dry any moisture on the surface of each ball.

  • STEP 1: Preheat for 5 min. - Always begin air frying with a quick preheat, which will of course allow you to follow my directions exactly
  • STEP 2: Add lining with edges - Utilize the complete bottom of the air fryer basket by lining it with parchment paper with elevated edges; in an effort to stop meatballs pressing against the sides, while preventing fat running off the edges
Example of beef meatball fat caught in parchment paper while air frying
Reason why I suggest use of parchment paper, or foil if that's all you have, is to catch what could be a lot of fat and grease rendered out of so many meatballs, as pictured.
  • STEP 3: Evenly space 12 Meatballs - Arrange meatballs in formation if you can to help you identify which meatballs have been turned over already
  • STEP 4: Carefully Close basket - Air fryer baskets have a tendency to suddenly jolt when closing, which is enough to cause the balls to roll

NOTE: Careful when closing and opening the air fryer basket as these balls will want to roll, which will cause a pile of balls on one side which will prevent both sides browning.

How to air fry standard Beef Meatballs

Directions for how to air fry beef meatballs in an air fryer

I've air fried a whole pack of 12 beef meatballs on this occasion which caused no issues for me at all, so should be fairly straight forward for you. With this temp and time, the meatballs air fried to a nice brown coating with a light and juicy beefy centre.

  • STEP 1: Set temp at 355°F/180°C; time to 14 Min. - How long to cook raw meatballs in air fryer is approximately 4-5 minutes under the oven cooking time, because of course an air fryer will cook faster.
  • STEP 2: Turn each Meatball over halfway - Each meatball should be turned over, of which a pair of silicone-tipped tongs will make easy work of it
  • STEP 3: Close Basket with care - For the final time you have to close the basket to continue to air fry; do so gently as to avoid rolling the balls
  • STEP 4: Pull out Meatballs with silicone tongs - Decanter each meatball with your tongs, with an option to add the balls to a pan of boiling pasta sauce

NOTE: You can air fry far more meatballs if you like at various sizes and weights, but remember my meatballs each weighed approximately 28g.

Air fry all Raw Meatballs with similar weight

Same size raw beef meatballs in plastic packaging
Size and weight of each meatball will certainly have an effect on the air frying time and temperature, whereas these beef meatballs were fairly small.

On this day I air fried a pack of 12 store-bought raw beef meatballs which weighed in total of 336g.

Dividing that between 12 means each beef meatballs weighed about 28g each.

You should know that because my exact time and temperature can be replicated for air frying any meatballs in a similar weight.

But don't worry if your meatballs are smaller, this time and temperature should absolutely cook your meatballs to a soft centre and light outer texture.

If your meatballs are heavier mind - say in the region of 40g plus - then I would add a couple of more minutes to the full air frying time.

Regardless, simply set the temperature to what is suggested on your meatball packaging - only if they're store-bought - and then reduce the time by 5-6 minutes. When air frying your own homemade meatballs, I am sure 18 minutes will be enough for golf ball-size meatballs - whether they're made in beef, pork or chicken.


By all means you can quickly and easily air fry store-bought meatballs, in addition to air frying freshly made meatballs at home.

Raw meatballs will begin to sear on all sides of the balls within the first 5 minutes, and will then be easier to handle when its time to turn each meatball over halfway through.

I like to arrange each meatball in a line so when I turn each one over, I will know which meatball I've turned. Small size meatballs can be left unturned but I like to play it safe and turn each meatball on the halfway point.

Lining your air fryer basket would be important to retain access fat coming off so many beef meatballs, which may be less for pork or chicken meatballs. Parchment paper or foil will you save you time cleaning up these greasy balls.

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