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Pair of Cornish pasties lined side by side in air fryer basket

How to Reheat Cornish Pasties in an air fryer

Pre-cooked pastry food items are practically made for an air fryer, because a light crispy casing can be produced while maintaining the pastries original colour and texture.

Reheating pasties bought in a shop or brought home fresh from a bakery ain't at all that hard to warm up properly in an air fryer. Most air fryers can be set to 355°F / 180°C; timer set to no less than 12 minutes. You can begin air frying with the pasties upside down, then flip halfway to air fry top side as normal.

Cooking Cornish pasties fresh is hard enough although to reheat a recently purchased or frozen pasty you've had in the freezer for months, can be reheated in an air fryer in a matter of 12 to 18 minutes.

How long it takes to reheat a pasty will vary between each pasty sold in-store, with the temperature changing between chilled and frozen pasties.

Despite this, you can simply extend the cooking time on the fly as you may feel the pasty could do with a few extra minutes, or quite possibly its done well before time.

We aren't dealing with freshly made pastry or pasties here - which can be made in an air fryer - thus you can simply use your common sense to reheat a pasty to your liking. Air fryers warm up pastry food items extremely well like pork sausage rolls and quiches if you haven't tried it before, and so will make easy work of any Cornish pasty.

I would advice you to line the air fryer with a little parchment paper or foil to prevent a little grease sitting on the basket; while there's the possibility of a pasty spilling its beef and vegetable filling... of which the parchment or foil paper can catch.

Simply reheat any store-bought pasty following their oven cooking instructions; reduce time to at least 5 minutes to ensure pasty is reheated all the way through.

Bear in mind air fryers cook all food items faster than an conventional oven so to follow oven heating instructions exactly, will probably burn your pasty.

I would suggest you begin reheating your pasty upside down, then flip it over midway through reheating to guarantee even cooking.

How long it took to reheat generic store-bought pasties was 12 minutes, where both weighed 150g each. How to reheat a Cornish pasty of yours in an air fryer weighing between 150g-227g - with the heaviest store-bought pasties weighing no more than 227g - could add an additional 2 to 4 minutes onto what is a larger pasty.

Store-bought Pasty time / temp table

I've listed just about all store-bought pasties you can buy on the high street in the UK and Ireland; which should go a long way to provide you useful air fryer cooking instructions. Of which you probably know already, doesn't exist on pasty packaging at this time.

Store: Product: Weigh: Oven: Chill/Frozen Air Fryer: Chill/Frozen
ASDA Just Essentials Minced Beef & Vegetable Pasty 150g time: 20M / temp: 350°F / 180°C (chill) time: 12M / temp: 350°F / 180°C (chill)
ALDI Crestwood Puff Pastry Beef & Vegetable Pasty 200g time: 25-30M / temp: 340°F / 170°C (chill) time: 15M / temp: 340°F / 170°C (chill)
Co Op Cornish Pasty 130g time: 16M / temp: 356°F / 180°C (chill) time: 10M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
Ginsters Original Cornish Pasty 227g time: 30-35M / temp: 320°F / 160°C (chill) time: 18M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
Gregg's Freshly Baked Beef & Vegetable Pasty 180g time: 20M / temp: 350°F / 170°C (chill) time: 14M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
Holland's Beef & Veg Pasty 204g time: 25M / temp: 400°F / 200°C (chill) | time: 35-40M / temp: 400°F / 200°C (frozen) time: 15M / temp: 340°F / 170°C (chill) | time: 20M / temp: 340°F / 170°C (frozen)
Iceland 2 Beef Pasties 199g each time: 15M / temp: 400°F / 200°C (chill) time: 15M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
M&S 2 Pack Cornish Pasties 300g 150g each time: 20M / temp: 320°F / 160°C (chill) | time: 30M / temp: 320°F / 160°C (frozen) time: 12M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill) | time: 20M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (frozen)
Morrisons 4 Pack Cornish Pasty 130g each time: 15-20M / temp: 375°F / 190°C (chill) | time: 25-30M / temp: 375°F / 190°C (frozen) time: 10M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill) | time: 16M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (frozen)
Peter's Traditional Pasty 199g time: 28-30M / temp: 375°F / 190°C (chill) time: 15M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
Pukka Beef Pasty 227g time: 25-30M / temp: 340°F / 170°C (chill) time: 18M / temp: 355°F / 180°C (chill)
Sainsbury's Stamford Street Co. Beef & Vegetable Pasty 200g time: 20M / temp: 170°C / 350°F (chill) | time: 30M / temp: 170°C / 340°F (frozen) time: 15M / temp: 170°C / 340°F (chill) | time: 20M / temp: 170°C / 340°F (frozen)
Tesco Eastmans Minced Beef & Onion Pasty 150g time: 16M / temp: 350°F / 180°C (chill) time: 12M / temp: 350°F / 180°C (chill)

Pasty table exists to provide you a rough guide how to reheat well known branded and generic pasties available from all major UK / IRE supermarkets and retailers.

Simply take the store name; the exact pasty name on the packaging; and the weight of the pasty; to ensure you match your own pasty to air fry as suggested on the list. Rough guide only mind thus its vital you keep an eye on your pasty to ensure the pasty doesn't burn, and of course the pasty isn't under cooked.

Not all pasties featured have oven cooking instructions as their 'ready to eat' only, thus cooking instructions are based on similar weighted pasties. In addition, you are advised to air fry pasties featuring only chilled cooking instructions, from chilled only.

How to reheat any Store-Bought pasties

Process of reheating pasties inside air fryer basket; demonstrated in 4 images

I will show you how to reheat a pasty demonstrated on two Tesco's Eastmans Minced Beef & Onion Pasty, weighing just 150g each. Understand times may need reducing either way, yet the temperature can remain the same.

  • STEP 1: Preheat air fryer 5 Min. - So we're all on the same page, go ahead and preheat your air fryer for 5 minutes; I set the temperature to 355°F / 180°C in this case
  • STEP 2: Line Basket with Parchment paper (Optional) - Cut small strip of parchment paper to fit under pasties, to avoid a subtle layer of grease sitting on the basket
Pasties sitting on individual parchment paper in air fryer basket
Pasties sat on top of parchment paper like so will ensure your air fryer basket stays grease-free; while at the same time providing you an easier way to lift the pasties out.
  • STEP 3: Cook Pasty upside down for 6 Min. - I will cook these pasties upside down for 6 minutes to ensure the underside is cooked as well as the top side, to allow even cooking of these pastries
  • STEP 4: Flip Pasty, air fry right way for 6 Min. - I will now flip the pasties correct way up, midway through cooking, to finish them off for an extra 6 minutes; reheating the Cornish pasties for a total of 12 minutes.

How to reheat Fresh Bakery pasties

Bakery bought fresh pasty in air fryer basket
Crispy freshly made pasty I reheated for 5 minutes in the air fryer on a low heat; which it really didn't need to be, as it was warm enough.

Pasties sold by supermarkets and small retail franchises aren't at all that hard to reheat to a texture you prefer; which I would say is hopefully how it was originally cooked.

Reheat a pasty too long and the pastry case will simply burn up which is sure to change the taste completely.

Get the temperature and timing just right to reheat a pasty to a light crispy texture which I believe how all store-bought pasties should be.

Unfortunately my guidance above completely focuses on mass produced pasties which might not apply to you. Why that is because you may of bought a genuine Cornish pasty down in Cornwall - or it may of just been bought at a high street bakery.

Of which I would recommend you reheat your freshly baked pasty to the time and temperature of the heaviest store-bought pasty, as featured in the table above.

To play it save, cook the fresh pasty 5 minutes on each side then wrap it up in foil to reduce the amount of browning on the pasty; continue to cook it for an additional 8 minutes, to air fry a fresh baked pasty for a total of 18 minutes.

Wrap pasty in foil to delay over doing

Single pasty wrapped up in loose foil parcel
If ever your pasty was getting a little crispy with still plenty of air frying time to go; wrap it into a light foil parcel to drastically slow down the browning process.

I've cooked plenty of different pasties in the oven over the years much like you probably have, which I've learnt to wrap any pasty cooking a little too fast in foil to stop it browning, which doesn't produce a nice flavour or texture at all.

It is safe to wrap any pasty of yours in foil within an air fryer providing your gently wrap the pasty; as a loosely fitted foil lid will float up into the air fryer heating element.

You'd want to cook any pasty with the recommended temperature and time all the way until its ready, and just as your instructed to. And if you feel it isn't done but the pastry lid is getting too dark, a light foil wrap can allow additional cooking time without effecting the pastry taste and texture.

Air fryers can reheat any food item imaginable and will reheat any size pasty from chilled or frozen, even if 'Cook from Frozen' instructions aren't available.

Lower the temperature on the air fryer and reheat the frozen pasty to the maximum 'Cook from Chilled' cooking instructions, and you should be just fine.


Reheat pasties weighing in the region of 150g-227g can all be cooked at an identical temperature and time.

I would suggest reheating in the air fryer at a ready 355°F / 180°C from chilled; while maximising the full time - with probably 5 additional minutes needed - when air frying pasties from frozen.

Texture you want is a lightly darker pasty coating with a light crisp as oppose to a hard crunchy texture.

Ingredients are bound to spill at some point during air frying but this is expected to happen; parchment paper or foil lining the air fryer basket will catch any ingredients.

Pasties do hold their own when originally taken out of the packaging yet any pasty as its cooked will become soft, which does risk splitting the pastry.

Pasties can be sat on a sheet of parchment paper or foil which in itself can be utilized to pulled the pasty out of the air fryer still in tack.

You'd need to flip the pasty midway through air frying which will require you to be cautious when doing so with bare hands.

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