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Air fried jacket potato positioned on parchment paper

Microwave to air fryer Jacket Potato

While I like to use the whole air frying time to crisp up the jacket potato skin, certainly microwaving first can speed up what is usually an hour plus cooking time.

When you are in a hurry and you don't care much about potato skins, cut the time in half by first microwaving the potato for 10 minutes, before placing it in the air fryer for an additional 20 minutes. Microwaving will quickly soften the centre, whilst air frying will improve the flavour and texture.

Nothing comes close to fully cooking a jacket potato in an air fryer - well, perhaps with the exception of a barbeque that is -  as the heating process imparts a lot of flavour, whilst the spud develops a crispy skin unmatched by just microwaving.

To speed up the whole process of cooking a jacket potato, of course it can be pre-cooked in the microwave, before placing the spud in the air fryer to finish.

Its quite simple, microwave a raw potato -  time is based on one potato weighing approximately 320g - for 10 minutes, before cooking it for an additional 20 minutes, in the air fryer.

And that's it, in 30 minutes you'll have a great tasting jacket potato ready, with no hint of it previously being cooked in the microwave.

Microwave to air fryer jacket potato served with butter and grated cheese
Have a heap of freshly grated cheese ready to pile on your cut open jacket potato, with optional baked beans cooked in the microwave to time with the air fried spud.

When the jacket potato comes out of the microwave to be air fried, just be ready with something to protect your hands, as both potato and plate will be boiling.

I recommend you turn the spud over just the once halfway through microwaving, with no need to flip over in the air fryer.

When air frying, be sure to sit the jacket potato on a piece of parchment paper, which will allow access potato juice to bake onto the lining, and not your clean air fryer basket.

I like to cook a classic jacket potato for the full time in the air fryer, simply because I like to use every minute to crisp up the skin to a crusty shell. Microwaving first will cut your time in half, which is enough time to produce a light potato skin only.


Picture directions for preparing a jacket potato for microwaving

Prepare a potato like you normally would for making a jacket potato, by cleaning it if necessary, and stabbing it multiple times so it doesn't burst in the microwave. Air fry only will avoid the need to stab the spud prior to cooking.

  • STEP 1: Pierce Potato with knife several times - You'll only need a butter knife to stab the spud several times
  • STEP 2: Microwave Raw Potato for 10 Minutes - Place potato on microwavable plate, and heat for a full 10 minutes (on something like 800W)
  • STEP 3: Line air fryer in Parchment Paper - Place a cut-to-size parchment paper sheet on bottom of air fryer, so any access juices will burn onto the lining
  • STEP 4: Place Microwaved potato in preheated air fryer - Careful not to burn you hand on either potato or plate, position spud on lining inside air fryer

NOTE: When you stab a potato several times, water will come out of the spud which must be washed off under a running tap, then thoroughly dried with paper towel.


Picture directions for air frying a microwaved jacket potato

Its now a case of placing your pre-cooked microwaved potato in the air fryer, and let it cook for a full 20 minutes. Potato skins mean a lot to me, so this shortened cooking time isn't enough for me - so bear in mind the potato skin will have a softer texture.

  • STEP 1: Set temp to 400°F / 205°C; time to 20 Minutes - Usual high temperature to air fry a jacket potato, but in half the time of a traditionally cooked baked potato
  • STEP 2: Air fry NONE-STOP until time - No need to do anything for the next 20 minutes, just sit back and relax
  • STEP 3: Check Jacket Potato for doneness - When time is up, check to see if the jacket potato skin is to your liking, and whether the potato centre is soft enough
  • STEP 4: Cut Open & Serve - Cut open spud then mash potato into a little butter; top with grated cheese and any additional toppings

NOTE: Unfortunately, because you're making a microwave to air frying jacket potato, you can't improve the skin by smothering in oil, before seasoning with salt - so the potato skin will appear more dry and crinkled than usual.


What better way to air fry a jacket potato in half the time, when microwaving the potato first for a full 10 minutes.

Whilst remembering to pierce the potato several times to prevent the spud bursting in the microwave.

Preheat your air fryer with 5 minutes to go on the microwave time, before quickly transferring the hot jacket potato from the microwave to the air fryer. Plate and potato will BE VERY HOT TO TOUCH, thus handle both with a tea towel.

Air fry your medium to large single jacket potato on a microwave set to 800W, for 20 minutes - with no need to disturb the spud until times up. Microwave wattage will make little difference to the end result.

Unfortunately, you can't oil and then season the potato skin, like you would if it was going directly into the air fryer. Which will result in the skin looking a little worst for wear.

Still, microwave to air fryer jacket potatoes will taste as good, if not better, than a jacket solely done in the air fryer.

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